Facilities as a business

real estate and FACILITY asset management Services


Facility Asset Management and

Corporate Real Estate Solutions

Most organizations say they are not in the real estate business, but the reality is every company with a physical presence is invested in real estate. Facilities represent a large part of any business’s assets and real estate plays a key role in an organization’s ability to meet strategic business goal.

Facilities Consulting NW helps business owners manage their Facilities as a Business by developing Facility Master Plans that analyze existing and future space needs, operational and infrastructure requirements, and building and grounds aesthetics. With this data, short- and long-term strategies including space benchmarking and space utilization standards are presented to identify highest and best use of existing facilities as well as when to make investments in expanding a facility portfolio.
As part of this asset life-cycle costing analysis and real estate planning process, a Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) is instrumental in providing a holistic view of existing facility conditions and the associated long-term capital that may be expected to maintain properties adequately to meet tactical operational expectations and maximize the bottom-line value of real estate holdings. Facilities Consulting NW voluntarily uses the ASTM E2018-15 Standard as a guideline for in-depth Facility Condition Assessments and Property Condition Assessments.

Real Estate & facility solutions

Facilities Consulting NW helps business owners manage their Facilities as a Business by developing Facility Master Plans that analyze existing and future space needs, operational and infrastructure requirements, and building and grounds aesthetics.

Corporate Real Estate and Facility Asset Management Solutions include:

Professional Facility Asset Management is also key for real estate investors and building owners where Facilities and Real Estate IS their business. Risk mitigation and due-diligence during real estate acquisition activities requires comprehensive review of the condition of the property and properly maintained facilities improve initial leasing and tenant retention, as well as ensuring ongoing capital preservation.
Facilities Consulting NW supports real estate investors and business owners by providing technical solutions and maintenance management services.

Facility Portfolio Asset Management Services include:

we are forward-thinking, all the way through.

Put our experience to work for your business. Get in touch with us to find out how.